Thursday, July 11, 2013

Bitches Be Crazy


Of course this is all done now over the internet -which I'm not sure if it's better or worse. I think the most HILARIOUS thing about fights is when someone says, "Well, I'm sorry that YOU took what I said wrong!" or "I'm sorry that you're obviously sensitive!"

Um....I don't know where you learned to apologize, but that's not really an apology. 
An appropriate apology would be, "I'm sorry that 
what I said offended you or upset you."

Instead most girls just bitch to their friends, who will obviously back them up, no matter how "honest" they say they are -there are FEW people who will step up and tell their friend when they are in the wrong. And then you also have to wonder what the person is telling their friends and what they're not. It's amazing how two people can have a conversation with each other and walk away with COMPLETELY DIFFERENT stories. 

If someone takes something personally and is offended by it they get labeled "sensitive" and what's worse was the "attacker's" friends usually follow up with, "I think you were being nice!" and "Yea me too. She's just a pussy. Jesus, put your big girl pants on!" 

What's even WORSE is when someone, who barely knows you, who only knows of your life through FB posts starts "giving advice," in an extremely rude manner, on your Facebook page. ---And remember, say what you mean and mean what you say. If you say, " If it didn't come off that way in your mind..." you should expect that person to take offense to the fact that you're insinuating that it's THEM taking EVERYTHING you say wrong.

Girls need to quit being needlessly hateful toward other girls -however, don't let bitches walk all over you and take advantage of you. But know the difference. Treat others as they deserve to be treated. Just remember who's your friend and who's your foe -and remember if you turn a friend into a foe, you'll probably never get them back. 

I don't want to be patronized by my friends, but I also don't want to be talked negatively and poorly to by someone who barely knows me and DAMN WELL doesn't know what's going on in my life or how my past life has been -they sure have NO PLACE in my future.